Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería

Dirección: Calle del Arenal 367 Urbanización Multicentro el Cruce. Local 48, 04638 Mojácar, Almería, España.
Teléfono: 600565284.
Página web:
Especialidades: Academia de idiomas, Academia de inglés.
Otros datos de interés: Clases en línea, Servicios en el lugar, Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Se requiere una cita.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 11 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 5/5.

Ubicación de Step by Step Language Centre

Step by Step Language Centre Calle del Arenal 367 Urbanización Multicentro el Cruce. Local 48, 04638 Mojácar, Almería, España

Horario de Step by Step Language Centre

  • Lunes: 9 a.m.–2 p.m., 4–8 p.m.
  • Martes: 9 a.m.–8 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 9 a.m.–8 p.m.
  • Jueves: 9 a.m.–8 p.m.
  • Viernes: 9 a.m.–8 p.m.
  • Sábado: 9 a.m.–2 p.m.
  • Domingo: Cerrado

El Step by Step Language Centre es una academia de idiomas que se destaca por su especialización en la enseñanza del inglés. Ubicada en la Calle del Arenal 367 Urbanización Multicentro el Cruce. Local 48, 04638 Mojácar, Almería, España, ofrece un servicio de alta calidad a sus alumnos.

La academia cuenta con una amplia experiencia en la enseñanza de idiomas y dispone de métodos innovadores y efectivos para lograr el aprendizaje del inglés. Además, el centro cuenta con un equipo de profesores altamente capacitados y con una sólida trayectoria en la enseñanza de idiomas.

Una de las principales características del Step by Step Language Centre es que ofrece clases en línea, lo que permite a los estudiantes aprender desde la comodidad de su hogar. El centro también cuenta con servicios en el lugar y es accesible para personas en silla de ruedas.

Si estás buscando una academia de idiomas confiable y efectiva, el Step by Step Language Centre es una excelente opción. El centro requiere una cita previa, por lo que te recomendamos programar una visita para conocer sus instalaciones y obtener más información sobre sus servicios.

El Step by Step Language Centre ha recibido excelentes opiniones de sus alumnos y actualmente cuenta con una opinión media de 5/5 según Google My Business.

Opiniones de Step by Step Language Centre

Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería
Peter Mackenzie

I met Álvaro, the director of Step by Step, through the local Town Hall Spanish class of Mojacar. In this environment I found him to be an excellent teacher. Álvaro helps students to feel at ease and encourages them, without overcorrecting, to express themselves in Spanish.
Later I joined the Step by Step book club which has been an excellent experience because as a member of the book club Álvaro helps me to read and understand even the most difficult books. In addition he always prepares information relating to the period or the area to which the book relates. Each member of the club is encouraged to share their views in our fortnightly forum.
Whilst I personally have not signed up to Spanish classes with Step by Step yet, I have no hesitation in recommending anyone who needs to learn English or Spanish to sign up with Step by Step.
Perdone el español malo:
Yo conocí Álvaro, el gerente de Step by Step, a través de las clases de español del Exco Ayuntamiento de Mojácar. En este entorno lo encontré ser un maestro excepcional. Álvaro ayuda a los estudiantes a sentir cómodos y los anima, sin demasiada corrección, a expresarse en español.
Después me uní al club de libro de Step by Step que ha estado una experiencia excelente porque como un miembro del club, Álvaro me ayuda a leer e entender aún los libros más difíciles. Además él siempre prepara información que relata al periodo o a la región a que pertenecen los libros. Cada miembro se anima a compartir sus opiniones en nuestro fórum quinceno.
Mientrás yo mismo todavía no me he inscribido con las clases de español de Step by Step, yo no tengo alguna hesitación de recomendar alguien que necesita aprender inglés o español a inscribirse con Step by Step.

Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería
Angela Healey

Alvaro (and Janet) are excellent teachers and Alvaro has unending patience. The focus on conversation and homework really instills the vocab and use of verbs, and by preparing for class with small projects, we can then test our work conversationally. Our oft forays into Spanish culture are also very insightful. I would highly recommend Alvaro's classes.

Alvaro (y Janet) son excelentes maestros y Alvaro tiene una paciencia infinita. El enfoque en la conversación y la tarea realmente inculca el vocabulario y el uso de los verbos, y al prepararnos para la clase con pequeños proyectos, podemos probar nuestro trabajo conversacionalmente. Nuestras frecuentes incursiones en la cultura española también son muy reveladoras. Recomiendo encarecidamente las clases de Álvaro.

Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería
Sara Black

A friend recommended Step by Step to me and I would definitely do the same. Alvaro & Janet are great teachers who make you feel at ease while you learn and go through any questions you need to ask. The group sessions have helped me a lot. I still have a lot to learn so I will be signing up for another course. Thank you to you both.

Un amigo me recomendó Step by Step y yo definitivamente haría lo mismo. Alvaro y Janet son grandes profesores que te hacen sentir a gusto mientras aprendes y repasan cualquier pregunta que necesites hacer. Las sesiones de grupo me han ayudado mucho. Todavía tengo mucho que aprender así que me apuntaré a otro curso. Gracias a los dos.

Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería
aitiana rodriguez

Clases de inglés y español adaptadas a las necesidades de cada alumno. Preparación de exámenes y clases basadas en un enfoque natural enfatizando la comunicación ?

Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería
stephen brooks-brown

My partner and I have been attending Spanish classes at Step by Step Language Centre for about 5 months. It's conveniently located near the Parque Comercial in the centre of Mojácar. We have private lessons with our tutor Álvaro, who is professional, friendly and very helpful. He is also able to easily differentiate between my partner's level and mine when there is any disparity or learning gap in knowledge. We have had many group lessons elsewhere in Spain over the years but I have to say these lessons we are having now are much more enjoyable and beneficial to us and tailored to our specific needs. We must be improving much quicker than previously as our Spanish neighbours have already noticed a marked improvement and confidence speaking Spanish since we have been attending Step by Step. It feels like the language has been 'unlocked' for us, I'm even able to have meaningful conversations with the Spanish workers in our home! To be more confident to 'give it a go' with Spanish natives has been a revelation. I'm sure the centre's group lessons are also excellent but for those able to stretch to the reasonably priced private lessons or team up with a friend or 2, I would thoroughly recommend this course of action if you are looking to see results even faster. At the end of the day you get what you pay for and we would suggest that attending Step by Step is worth every cent! Give it a go! 10/10

Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería
Rob Leitch

I highly recommend Alvaro and the team at Step by Step, Alvaro has assisted me greatly with my attempts to learn Spanish. The tuition is set to suit the individuals needs and capabilities. With my time split between the UK and Spain it is great to have ‘one to one sessions’ when in Spain and ‘online’ when in UK.
I have also attended some group session when in Spain and recommend these not only to learn Spanish but also an opportunity to meet others who are on the same journey.
The course material is great and assists me when I have some spare time.
I would also say that whilst learning a new language is challenging I have found it really enjoyable working with Alvaro.

Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería
Oo 00

i contacted Step by Step in Mojacar to improve my Spanish language skills, as I spend a lot of time there. I did several one to one classes with Alvaro, a wonderful teacher, and he introduced me to the book club.The book club ,has been a fantastic way to learn and develop skills and is also a friendly and lively environment where we meet as a group to discuss topics that the books bring up- all through Spanish of course. I find communicating with my neighbours much easier now thanks to Alvaro in Step by Step.

Step by Step Language Centre - Mojácar, Almería
Claire Donald

I went to Step by Step on a recommendation by a friend.
I started with the book club, which was brilliant and not scary at all! It has helped me so much with vocabulary and understanding.
I then had private lessons with Álvaro. I have to say that I leapt forwards in my learning by doing this - after 2 years slogging away beforehand with various books and classes, suddenly I started to progress and enjoy my learning much more.
Now I go to a group class. It is kept small and we can all progress much quicker than in larger classes. We are challenged but always in a supportive and friendly environment. Álvaro is the best teacher I have had and I can't recommend him and his teaching methods highly enough.
