Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada

Dirección: C. Ermita, 33, 18412 Bubión, Granada, España.
Teléfono: 657748501.

Especialidades: Centro de aprendizaje, Academia de idiomas.
Otros datos de interés: Clases online, Servicios en las instalaciones, Aseos unisex.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 29 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 5/5.

Ubicación de Nomad Spanish Lessons

Nomad Spanish Lessons C. Ermita, 33, 18412 Bubión, Granada, España

Horario de Nomad Spanish Lessons

  • Lunes: 9:00–20:30
  • Martes: 9:00–20:30
  • Miércoles: 9:00–20:30
  • Jueves: 9:00–20:30
  • Viernes: 9:00–20:30
  • Sábado: 9:00–20:30
  • Domingo: Cerrado

Nomad Spanish Lessons es un centro de aprendizaje situado en el corazón de Andalucía, en la localidad de Bubión, Granada. Con una dirección física en la Calle Ermita, 33, ofrece un entorno idílico para aquellos que desean aprender español mientras disfrutan del encanto de un pueblo blanco andaluz.

Este centro de idiomas se destaca por su enfoque personalizado y metodología efectiva. Las clases se imparten en grupos pequeños o de forma individual, lo que garantiza una atención individualizada y una rápida progresión en el aprendizaje.

Además de su oferta de clases presenciales, Nomad Spanish Lessons ha adaptado su modelo de enseñanza a la situación actual, ofreciendo también clases en línea. De esta manera, se garantiza que los estudiantes de cualquier parte del mundo puedan acceder a sus servicios y aprender español con la misma calidad y eficacia.

Las instalaciones de Nomad Spanish Lessons cuentan con todo lo necesario para brindar una experiencia de aprendizaje agradable y productiva. Disponen de aseos unisex y otros servicios en las instalaciones, lo que facilita la estancia de los estudiantes.

La opinión de los estudiantes es fundamental para Nomad Spanish Lessons. Actualmente, la empresa cuenta con 29 valoraciones en Google My Business, reflejando un promedio de 5 sobre 5 en las opiniones, lo que demuestra el alto nivel de satisfacción de sus alumnos.

Si estás buscando una experiencia de aprendizaje de español única e inolvidable, no dudes en contactar con Nomad Spanish Lessons. Su equipo de profesionales estará encantado de brindarte asesoramiento e información adicional sobre los cursos y opciones disponibles.

Visita su página web o llámalos directamente al Teléfono: 657748501 para obtener más información y dar el primer paso hacia el dominio del idioma español.

Opiniones de Nomad Spanish Lessons

Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada
Emily Treece

Empecé clases con Borja cuando mi profe de tres años ya no podía dar clases y me recomendó a Borja. Me sentía un poco ansiosa por cambiar de profesores después de haber estado con el mismo profe durante tanto tiempo, pero no he debido preocuparme. Borja es un profe muy simpático y crea un ambiente relajado en sus clases que son divertidas e interesantes. Utiliza una plataforma en línea professional con muchos recursos y ejercicios para poder adaptar las clases para que suplan las necesidades de cada estudiante. Además ofrece clases de conversación que para mí eran perfectas. Estaba dispuesto a hablar sobre temas que a mí me interesan, aunque no le interesen tanto a él, para poder praticar vocabulario útil para mí. En conclusión, si buscas un profesor profesional y simpático que prioriza los objetivos de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes, prueba las clases con Borja. No te arrepentirás. Discúlpame si hay errores en mi español (podemos culpar a Borja por eso ?)

I started classes with Borja when my teacher of three years couldn't give classes anymore and he recommended Borja to me. I felt a little anxious about changing teachers after having been with the same teacher for so long, but I needn't have worried. Borja is a very friendly teacher and he creates a relaxed atmosphere in his classes which are fun and interesting. He uses a professional online platform with a lot of resources and exercises to meet the needs of each student. He also offers conversation classes which were perfect for me. He was happy to talk about topics that interest me, even if they weren't so interesting to him, to practise vocabulary which is useful to me. In conclusion, if you're looking for a friendly and professional teacher who prioritises his students' learning goals, try classes with Borja. You won't regret it. Forgive me if there are mistakes in my Spanish (we can blame Borja for that ?)

Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada
Luca Amadessi

Borja es el mejor profesor que he podido tener! Hizo todo muy simple y aprender con él fue muy divertido. Grazie mille!

Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada

Borja is a fantastic Spanish teacher.

He adapts the lessons to your learning needs and interests, and always keeps things interesting with fun discussions and a range of topics.

As well as grammar and standard vocabulary, he teaches commonly used expressions and the more informal types of language that you won't find in a textbook.

He also helps you to understand Spanish culture, history and politics alongside the language, and is full of recommendations for places to visit in Granada and the surroundings.


Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada

I am very pleased to have taken Spanish lessons with Borja.
Borja is very patient and the one-to-one lessons are presented in a relaxed and friendly way. One thing I like about Borja is that he is very flexible and can adapt the lessons to my personal needs.
The lessons were always fun and insightful in grammar rules and both the social and cultural life in Spain.
I feel I have stepped up and improved my understanding of Spanish language, my speaking and reading while I have taken courses with Borja. He is a very experienced and knowledgeable teacher.
Another thing I liked about Borja's lessons is that he invited me for a free lesson to see if I like his teaching method before deciding to have him as a teacher.
I really recommend these Spanish courses for anyone wanting to learn Spanish as a beginner and also anyone who wants to improve his/her Spanish.

Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada
Lidia Szekely

On my first five minutes of my trial lesson at Nomad Spanish Lessons with Borja I already knew that that's what I need to learn Spanish! It's not the usual class style, where you have a lot of Grammar, and boring sentences to work with, but focusing more on your speaking, also teaching you the Grammar but on an interesting / practical way! I was always looking forward to his fun classes and even to do the homework. I would definitely recommend him/ his way of teaching to everyone who wants to improve their Spanish!

Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada
Veronika Mikulová

Borja is a great teacher with lots of amazing interactive materials on hand. He uses an individualised learning platform for both in-class and independing learning. I would recommend his classes to students of any level from complete beginners to advanced speakers.

Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada
Asana Dara

Borja is an excellent teacher and really helped me improve my Spanish this summer. He is attentive, patient, and very knowledgeable about the language and always provided constructive criticism throughout our lessons. All of the classes are interactive and interesting, and he really pushes you to try to converse, even when you feel stuck or nervous. I would 100% recommend him!

Nomad Spanish Lessons - Bubión, Granada
Samira Grigat

Borja is the best teacher I've had, he really helped me to improve my Spanish. Finally I can call myself really fluent. The lessons were always interesting and fun and he explains really good even if you have problems understanding a certain grammatical topic. I totally recommend taking Spanish classes with him!
