KeySpanish -

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Especialidades: Academia de idiomas, Service establishment.
Otros datos de interés: Clases en línea.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 37 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 5/5.

Ubicación de KeySpanish


Horario de KeySpanish

  • Lunes: 8 a.m.–10 p.m.
  • Martes: 8 a.m.–10 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 8 a.m.–10 p.m.
  • Jueves: 8 a.m.–10 p.m.
  • Viernes: 8 a.m.–10 p.m.
  • Sábado: 8 a.m.–10 p.m.
  • Domingo: 8 a.m.–10 p.m.

KeySpanish es una academia de idiomas especializada en enseñar el idioma español a hablantes de otros idiomas. Ubicada en la ciudad de Miami, Florida, esta institución ofrece clases en línea y en su establecimiento físico.

La academia KeySpanish cuenta con una amplia experiencia en la enseñanza de español como segundo idioma. Su equipo de profesores altamente capacitados y con amplia experiencia en el campo, se encargan de brindar una educación de calidad a sus estudiantes. Además, la academia ofrece una metodología personalizada y adaptada a las necesidades y objetivos de cada alumno, lo que permite un aprendizaje eficaz y eficiente.

Las clases en línea de KeySpanish son una excelente opción para aquellos que no pueden asistir a clases presenciales. Estas clases se imparten a través de una plataforma virtual, en la que los estudiantes pueden interactuar con el profesor y otros estudiantes. Además, la academia ofrece una variedad de horarios y programas, lo que permite a los estudiantes elegir el que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades.

La academia KeySpanish también ofrece clases en su establecimiento físico, ubicado en Miami. Estas clases se imparten en pequeños grupos, lo que permite una mayor interacción entre el profesor y los estudiantes. Además, el establecimiento cuenta con una biblioteca y una sala de computadoras, en las que los estudiantes pueden realizar sus tareas y estudios.

La academia KeySpanish ha recibido excelentes opiniones por parte de sus estudiantes. Según Google My Business, la academia tiene una opinión media de 5/5, basada en 37 valoraciones. Los estudiantes destacan la calidad de la educación y la metodología personalizada y adaptada a las necesidades de cada alumno.

Opiniones de KeySpanish

KeySpanish -
Dolph Tokarczyk

A mi, me encantan las clases de KeySpanish. He tomado clases con Alejandro durante 4 años y es un profesor increíble. Siempre esta preparado, punctual y libre de dar una clase todos los dias. El prepara un documento con la tarea que debo hacer antes de la clase. Este me serve mucho. Antes de las clases, por ejemplo, he leido un articulo, oido un podcast, visto unos youtubes u escrito un parafo sobre un asunto que yo elegí. El siempre hace buenas preguntas y despues de la clase me manda una quiz en quizlet para revisar y corregir los error de la clase.
es muy recomendable!!

KeySpanish -
Diego Miranda de Souza

Tengo clases con Alejandro desde 2019 y para mi es perfecto. Un gran amigo y maestro.

KeySpanish -
PEDRO Valdivia Miro

Muy buen profesor

KeySpanish -
Michael O'Connell

Alejandro is a great Spanish teacher. He is enthusiastic and very easy to talk to. He speaks Spanish clearly and his English is quite good. The lessons always fly by and I love how he creates flash cards during the lesson that add to my vocabulary and correct my mistakes.

KeySpanish -
Maggie Sharkey

When learning a new language, it's important that it's fun and engaging and Alejandro is both of those. His style is calm and patient, offering a safe environment for making lots of mistakes and trying out new things (like trying to tell him how to make blueberry pie in Spanish!). He's thorough and consistent and his classes are very well structured for optimal learning. Each class started with some good, interesting conversation, where he helps with practice; offering corrections and learning new vocabulary, which he puts into phrases in Quizlet for me to study between classes, something I've not seen done with any other teacher. His assignments are clear and thoughtful, a good mix of reading, writing, listening and vocabulary. I can't recommend Alejandro highly enough!

KeySpanish -

Spanish Accelerator is a course truly for the beginner and is laid out in a cohesive, easy to follow way to start learning Spanish. The coursework is a lot of fun. It's very engaging.

Something very valuable is that when you get across something that's very challenging or maybe you're not really sure if the answer is correct or not, is there's email support, and a real person will get back to you with an answer for your particular question.

Also, you can do the course at your own pace, something that for me is extremely important because I don't have a lot of free time. So I can do it at my pace and still keep the same progress as I'm going along. I think this thing is just the best course available, bar none.

KeySpanish -
Lou Lozeau

When I began learning Spanish I was jumping from different courses, to different books, and to different applications. I was also constantly on different blogs looking for the best product out there. And while there were some good options, none of them put together everything that I needed.

With the Spanish Accelerator course, I was able to go through the very structured program that it has, with flashcards, the video lessons, the exercises, the community, all of these things together, to really develop a solid foundation in my learning language process.

I was able to go step by step through a course that systematically led me to the point where I am at now: I spend a lot of time with my wife in Spain and I am able to interact with natives without any fear and without concerns that I’m not able to understand them.

I highly recommend this course!

KeySpanish -
Joy Mulrey

The Spanish Accelerator course provided great preparation for my three-month trip to Spain. It gave a great introduction to the language, and its use of real-world contexts and scenarios were extremely helpful. It also gave an insight into Spanish culture, which I found very interesting, and useful when in Spain.

I found the course highly effective at keeping me engaged and motivated in my learning. This was due to the structured nature of the course material and regular assessments, which help you track your progress and provide feedback on mistakes.

If you're serious about learning Spanish, I strongly recommend it!
